Welcome to Faithway Publishers. We are an innovative and creative publishing house, that does more than publishing books. Here is your invitation to explore the Faithway with us.
Recent books
We are a faith driven publishing house working with amazing people making life-changing books. Here is a look at some of our latest journey-books below.
Boundaries – 5 Steps to Getting Your Life Back is a book about overcoming addiction. Through a five-step process, B.A.C.K.S., a clear path is laid for living above one’s compulsion. The process involves looking closing at one’s Boundaries, Accountability, Confession, Knowledge, and Sorrow. The process of renewing one’s mind applies to any addiction. Read More >
We’ve always been captivated by storytellers, from Moses to Mark Twain. Their words light our faces with laughter and then give us pause as we ponder our place in that world. Steve Van Winkle is that kind of storyteller. He opens a door in his life, never flinching from the painful moments, yet always pointing us to the presence of God. Read More >
We Simply Connect Your Book
To Your Vision
The Faithway message is foremost on our mind. We will be with you every step of the journey from the idea to opening up that first box of books fresh off the press.
We are proud to offer services from our strategic partners
At Faithway Publishers, creating a culture of faith is the core mindset behind how we approach publishing books to an ever changing world.
We want our authors to feel as if they are an integral part of our publishing family. Our interest lies in long-lasting, life-changing relationships with our family of authors that have the ability to inspire the world for good so together we can effect change in our readers.
As part of the Faithway family, our resources enable us to grow our authors’ brands and careers, build stronger platforms to disseminate their content to the masses and foster passionate readers who thrive on inspiration. We are committed to providing the best author experience, creating content for readers in all formats, and truly working for a greater purpose.
The Faithway is a journey – and the Christian life is the greatest journey of all. It’s not always fun, but as believers, we know that God will help us through those patches of the rough roadway, no streetlights, and broken bridges. If you’re feeling weary on your journey of faith, take courage – your guide is Jesus, and your final destination is Heaven!
Recent News
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The best thing you can do
This was taken from a blog...good stuff INTERN is feeling extremely wonderful and happy today and wanted to…
manuscript submission
You have one more click to make to be on your way to being a published author We…
Manuscript Review
Faithway Publishers is ready to publish the next bestseller You have delivered your message to large and small…
Cost and Marketing of Your Book?
Cost of book and marketing Plan for Faithway Publishers GETTING YOUR BOOK PRINTED AND INTO THE CHANNELS: Option one:…
Step by Step Process of Publishing Your Book
Step by step process of publishing your book Manuscript Preparation The managing editorial and production departments oversee the…
Digital Books Remain Strong
Digital books remain strong One of the largest all-platform publisher for ebooks conducts an informative yearly survey…
Digital vs. Print
Do Readers Really Prefer Their Dusty Old Paperbacks To E-Books? Today, 23 percent of all male adults and…
Please Contact us today
If you have a manuscript and want it published, feel free to call Lee Fredrickson at
(417) 889-4803
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Faithway Publishers
2131 W. Republic Rd PMB 211
Springfield, MO 65807